Since the 2012 election I have been campaigning for Liberty. I believe that it still exists in this country, but in many ways it is being forced out. If we don't fight for our liberty it could be gone.
I certain instances we have begged our federal government to take these liberties away, we are convinced that by doing so we will be better protected.
I find it interesting that nearly everyone you talk to will tell you that "politicians cannot be trusted" or "they are all liars" yet when the election is over we conveniently forget all of that and trust them with every aspect of our personal lives.
I believe the federal government has overstepped its bounds and will continue to do so as long as its people do not fight back. We have given up too many freedoms already: Patriot Act, NDAA, Domestic Drones, SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and now they want to censor the internet with CISPA. We live in the greatest country in the world, but if we allow our government to get too big it will not serve us well.
Patriot Act - The federal government can now listen to your personal conversations and read your personal emails, texts and mail. This can be done without a warrant.
NDAA - Your government can arrest you and lock you up indefinitely without trial. As an American citizen the federal government has the ability to deny you your right to a trial by jury.
SOPA, PIPA, CISPA - The government wants to censor what we can view on the internet. The internet is one of the last forms of information that is completely open. Television news is so controlled by big corporations and their political party affiliates, that getting accurate information from them is not possible. Not to mention the fact that our federal government admits to pumping propaganda through these media sources.
Domestic Drones - Soon drones will be flying around our country, many of them with missles attached. This is so far gone from what America is supposed to represent that I don't even know what else to say. Not to mention that these same type of drones are killing thousands of innocent people in the middle east (Men, Women and CHILDREN) in a war that was never declared.
I am starting this blog in hopes to in some small way, influence the liberty movement. I believe that the youth in this nation are sick and tired of wars and are ready to stop fighting them. I believe that our country is willing to stand up to the government, but we aren't being educated on what our government is doing. I hope to open a few eyes and hopefully I will learn a thing or two as well.
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